Trip Statistics
Well, I've made it home! Its good to be back. Its taken me far too long to just sit down and finish this last blog entry, I've been procrastinating since I arrived home three weeks ago today. It involves numbers and statistics, not my favorite subject, but I wanted to put them together because I thought it would be interesting and possibly a good reference.
You may be curious, as was I, about how much a trip like this would cost. Below I have created a breakdown of roughly what I spent on the trip, and in each country. First, let's look at a few before and after shots. Here is my backpack before and after my trip. I doubled its weight, and had sent some souvenirs home via mail, but still managed to fit everything in one bag!:

Before, 3/8/2006:
After, 6/1/2006: The bag is taller and packed much more tightly, it came in at 19.6 kilos (about 45lbs)!

Now, let's see how my hair length and skin tone have "faired" (not the change I had hoped for):

I thought it would be warmer in places throughout my travels, but much of my time was spent in the highlands, which are cooler because of the high altitude. After that, we were moving further from the equator and into their fall and winter, so "beach days" were few and far between. Brazil was probably the warmest country, though if you asked them they'd say it was cold! Now, let's review some of the overall details of this trip:
Time spent in South America: 84 days, 12 weeks, 3 months
Number of countries visited: 6 countries
Distance travelled by ground or air between Lima and Sao Paulo: 14,807 miles, or 23,830 km (this is an EXTREMELY rough estimate based on a ruler and a map - this is where I procrastinated until last night)
Closest Proximity to Antarctica: about 1,000 miles south from El Calafate, Patagonia
Number of overnight buses (10 - 17 hours): 5 overnight buses
Number of host families: 3 (though Carol's extended family could be counted as two more)
Most expensive accommodation: $20.00 per night (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Least expensive accommodation: $1.20 per night (you remember this one, Copacabana, Bolivia)
So, how much did this trip cost??? I've been going through my bank statements and putting together some rough figures. I spent more than I thought I did while I was down there, but not more than I planned. Before I left I allotted myself about $50 per day, and was hoping to spend only $4,000, but allowed for $5,000 if needed. Here are the details:
Number of days in South America: 84 days
Total money spent during this time: $4,004.74 (a very approximate figure)
Overall average cost per day: $47.68 /day
Number of days in Peru: 28 days
Total spent in Peru: $1,273.54
Average daily cost in Peru: $45.48 /day
Conversion rate while in Peru: $1.00 = $3.30 Soles
Number of days in Bolivia: 9 days
Total spent in Bolivia: $127.29
Average daily cost in Bolivia: $14.14 /day
Conversion rate while in Bolivia: $1.00 = $8.00 Bolivianos
Number of days in Argentina: 24 days
Total spent in Argentina: $1,486.86
Average daily cost in Argentina: $61.95 /day
Conversion rate while in Argentina: $1.00 = $3.00 Pesos
Number of days in Chile: 4 days
Total spent in Chile: $274.49
Average daily cost in Chile: $68.62 /day
Conversion rate while in Chile: $1.00 = $554.00 Pesos
Number of days in Uruguay: 4 days
Total spent in Uruguay: $127.54
Average daily cost in Uruguay: $31.89 /day
Conversion rate while in Uruguay: $1.00 = $23.00 Pesos
Number of days in Brazil: 15 days
Total spent in Brazil: $715.02
Average daily cost in Brazil: $47.67 /day
Conversion rate while in Brazil: $1.00 = $2.24 Reais
These numbers are not precisely reflective of actual averages or equivalencies. In certain countries, such as Argentina and Peru, I did a lot of tourist activities which brought my spending up quite a bit. I also took three plane flights in Argentina. In Brazil I spent a lot less than I should have because I stayed with friends. It's all relative, but its interesting nonetheless!!!
Travel Secrets: I planned this trip far in advance, and did what I could to make it as affordable and easy as possible. Here were some of my strategies:
-My flight was free, aside from taxes - I had built up enough frequent flyer miles with United between flights and credit card points to earn a free flight to South America.
-With only a backpack and wanting to buy a lot of souvenirs, I mailed some home. I began my trip in an area of Peru known for their artisans and craftspeople, so I figured there was no better place to buy gifts. I stocked up and shipped them home from my volunteer program in Huancayo before heading out on the road. It kept my pack light and with space for other things I knew would come along. Ironically, the shipment cost more than the souvenirs ($60)!
Alas, one adventure has ended, but new adventures are beginning. As you now know, I will be leaving for the Dominican Republic in September to serve in the Peace Corps for 27 months. You better believe I'll have another blog for this one. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying my summer at home, trying to get by on my savings without working (money is going much faster than I am used to). I'll be taking another vacation beginning next week, joining my boyfriend Jeff in Manitoba, Canada for his friend's wedding before we head west to do some exploring of Canada and the United States. I'm taking advantage of opportunities while I am able!
Thank you all for reading, I'm glad you liked the blog. Hopefully it inspires some of you to take your own trip to South America, it is such an incredible place with so much to offer! If you need any suggestions, just let me know ; )
Joan Perreault
you are my hero. you have learned to enjoy life and evferything about it.
if more people could get out of their ruts and open their eyes and hearts like you have, the world would be a much better place.
love ya always, adele
Hi Joan,
it was an entertaining, interesting and inspiring blog with great pictures! I am looking forward to your next blog.
Take care,
hey joanie this is carrie. My email is my friend is from the Dominican republic and if you know where abouts ur going she can give u some info or an emergency contact. get back to me.
pozdrowienia z polski bye
That has to be the most boring blog i have ever read. Travel tips???
I'm sure anyone can work out how to send things home through the post.
Where are the stories of being lost in some random country snorting coke and ending up arrested?? Or rooting Mary Windsurfer while your mate is passed out on the bed next to you???
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